RandomMachine “RAMA”


RAMA is a device, that uses uranium glass and a Geiger counter to create a true random generator. The idea comes from Jayson a student friend of mine. I re-created this idea in a compact form with extended use for FoxDot (Musical live-coding environment). The Arduino sends time delays between each measured knocked-off electron (ionization). This delay can be used e.g. as duration of a note played by a synth in FoxDot.

RandomMachine used with FoxDot

1. Components
1 x Arduino Micro
1 x MAX9814 Microphone Sound sensor
1 x DIY Geiger Counter Parts Kit Modul Nuclear Radiation Detector F3K3
1 x On/Off switch
1 x Piece of Uranium glass
2. Print Case Parts (Scale parts by 2% to include shrinking rate)
3. Assembling
1. Assemble D.I.Y. Kit of Geiger counter
Do not solder audio jack socket, Piezo buzzer, and D23 LED onto board!
Optional: Replace switch of kit with a bigger version. In this case do not solder the switch to the board either
2. Use wires between Piezo buzzer and glue microphone module and piezo buzzer together
3. Drill holes in case to connect wires
4. Use wires between Geiger Board (D 23) and LED light glued into case
5. Geiger Counter Breakout connector +/- >> Arduino 5V/GND
6. Sound Sensor AUD >> Arduino A2
7. Sound Sensor + >> Arduino 5V
8. Sound Sensor - >> Arduino GND
9. Connect Arduino to Computer and upload randomMachine.ino

How does it work?

  • Connect device to your laptop/PC and switch it on

  • Use case 1: Just run RandomMachine.py from your terminal >> This will print duration into your console

  • Use case 2: Import class from RandomMachine.py into your program and use read() function as value

  • Use case 3: Install the RandomMachine.py in your FoxDot installation to use it for music making (Video above). Follow instruction at same place on GitLab

Project on GitLab
