FoxDot Branch “PitchGlitch”
FoxDot Distro PitchGlitch
FoxDot was created in 2015 to try and open the pathways to Live Coding for users who may be new to programming and want to use it create music quickly and easily. It\\\\\'s an easy-to-use Python library that creates an interactive programming environment and talks to the powerful sound synthesis engine, called SuperCollider to make music. FoxDot schedules musical events in a user-friendly and easy-to-grasp manner that makes live coding easy and fun for both programming newcomers and veterans alike.
FoxDot Webseite mit Defaultinstallation
PitchGlitch is an extended version of FoxDot Default Distribution. With this distribution I hope to support a continuance in developing FoxDot with new additions, new functionalities to the platform. This changes/additions are shown below. The videos show most new changes.
Here and additional video to explain current development on MidiIn() function:
Lade es hier herunter:
Falls es Probleme gibt (hatte ich vorher):
Problem Only some synths are loading on startup!
Fehler: Nicht alle Synthesizer werden in SuperCollider (Konsole) geladen, während FoxDot startet
Solution: Run python3 -m FoxDot within your downloaded folder of your PitchGlitch git holder you cloned and installed FoxDot from
Wenn Entwickler daran interessiert sein sollten, mir zu helfen, schneller voranzukommen, kontaktiere mich bitte! Deine Hilfe ist sehr willkommen. Herzlichen Dank!
Neues aus der Veröffentlichung:
rc 0.1
loop, stretch, play1, play2, audioin, noise, dab, varsaw, lazer, growl, dirt, crunch, cicada, cricket, rave, scatter, charm, bell, gong, soprano, dub, scratch, klank, feel, glass, soft, quin, pluck, spark, blip, ripple, creep, orient, zap, marimba, fuzz, bug, pulse, saw, snick, twang, karp, arpy, nylon, donk, squish, swell, razz, sitar, star, jbass, piano, bass, sawbass, prophet, pads, pasha, ambi, space, keys, dbass, sinepad, video, viola, hydra, abass, acidbass, alva, angel, angst, bassguitar, bbass, bchaos, bellmod, benoit, birds, blips, bnoise, borgan, bounce, bphase, brass, brown, chimebell, chipsy, click, clip, cluster, combs, cs80lead, dafbass, dblbass, donkysub, donorgan, dopple, drone, dustv, ebass, ecello, eeri, eoboe, epiano, faim, faim2, fbass, filthysaw, flute, fm, fmbass, fmrhodes, garfield, glitchbass, glitcher, grat, gray, gsynth, harp, hnoise, hoover, kalimba, ladder, lapin, laserbeam, latoo, lfnoise, linesaw, longsaw, mhpad, mhping, moogbass, moogpluck, moogpluck2, mpluck, noisynth, noquarter, organ, organ2, pbass, phazer, pianovel, pink, pmcrotal, ppad, prayerbell, prof, radio, rhodes, rhpiano, risseto, rissetobell, rlead, rsaw, rsin, shore, sillyvoice, sine, siren, spacesaw, sos, sosbell, spick, sputter, square, ssaw, steeldrum, strings, subbass, subbass2, supersaw, tb303, total, tremsynth, tribell, tritri, triwave, tubularbell, tworgan, tworgan2, tworgan3, tworgan4, varicelle, vibass, vinsine, virus, waves, windmaker, wobble, wobblebass, wsaw, wsawbass, xylophone
SynthDefs: Extra attributes
SynthDef | Xtra Attributes |
acidbass | lagtime=0.12, frange=6 (filter range), width=0.51, rq=0.4 |
angel | rq=0.5, cnoise=0.001 (clip noise), offnote=1.01 |
benoit | semione=12, semitwo=24, trackmul=2, width=0.17 |
blips | nharm=20, offnote=1.001 |
borgan | spread=0.8, lagtime=0.1 |
bounce | para1=2, para2=2.5, rel=0.09, nharm=3 |
bphase | pmindex=2 |
chimebell | rel=0.02, t60=8, offnote=1.001 |
chipsy | offnote=0.75, rel=0.009 |
cicada | trig_freq=0.2 |
click | mult=4, ptime=0.2 |
cluster | para1=7, mult=4, pstep=0.75 |
combs | rate=2, depth=0.8, regen= -3, sweep=8, rq=0.9, nharm=2 |
cs60lead | fatk=0.75, fdec=0.5, fsus=0.8, frel=1.0, cutoff=200, dtune=0.002, vibspeed=4, vibdepth=0.015, ratio=0.8, glide=0.15 |
dafbass | ffmod=1 (do not 0), level=0.8, peak=1, offnote=1.01 |
dblbass | freqdev=4, op1mul=0.1, op2mul=0.1, op3mul=0.1, sprd=0.5, subAmp=0.1 |
donkysub | frate |
donorgan | rel=0.5, lforate=9, lfowidth=0.01, cutoff=100, rq=0.5 |
dustv | everbtime=3, roomdepth=8 |
ebass | pick=0.414, rq=0.5, cutoff=250 |
eoboe | range=0, vibrate=6, width=1, decimate=22040, decibits=2, offnote=1.005 |
feel | offnote=1.005 |
filthysaw | cf=100, t_bd=0, t_sd=0, pw=0.4 |
flute | ipress=0.9, ibreath=0.09, ifeedbk1=0.4, ifeedbk2=0.4 |
fmbass | atkfract=0.05, relfract= 0.7, modindex = 80, modratio = 1.51, subamp = 0.99, modfb = 1 fmrhodes >> vel = 0.8, modindex = 0.2, oscmix = 0.2, lfospeed = 0.4, lfodepth = 0.1 |
garfield | phase=0, smooth=0.5, mult=3, vibrato=1, rq=1 |
grat | rlpf=4000 |
glitcher | len =20, henA=2, henB=0.4, t=1 |
harp | decaytime=7, coef=0.04, blend=0.7 |
hoover | rel=0.09, offnote=0.5 |
kalimba | oscmix=0.4, relMin=2.5, relMax=3.5 |
linesaw | lforate1 = 5, lfodepth1 = 0.25, phasecenter1 = 0.35, lforate2 = 2.7, lfodepth2 = 0.5, phasecenter2 = 0.5, pswitch = 0 (0 or 1), fdelay1 = 0.00025, fdelay2 = 0.00015 |
mhpad | vibrate = 4, vibdepth = 0.02, trem=3, tremdepth = 0.5 |
mhping | depth=0.02 |
moogbass | cutoff = 1200, gain = 1.2, lagamount = 0.01, width=0.6 |
moogpluck | pluckfilter=4, pluckcoef=0.8, pluckmix=0.8 |
moogpluck2 | level=0.8, legato=1, para1=0.5 |
pmcrotal | mod=5, atone=2, btone=4 |
prayerbell | decayscale=0.6, singswitch=0, lag=3 |
rhodes | rate=4.85, phase=0.5, cutoff=2000, rq=0.5 |
rhpiano | modindex=0.2, mix=0.2, lfospeed=0.4, lfodepth=0.1 |
rlead | bps=2, seqnote1=3, seqnote2=1, seqnote3=2 |
rsaw | lofreq = 800, hifreq = 4000 scatter >> level=0.8, offnote1=2, offnote2=1 |
shore | noiselevel=0.1, density=100 |
sillyvoice | level=0.5, sinefb=0.2 |
sine | level=0.5, sinefb=0.2 |
sosbell | ringamp=1, ringrel=0.9, wobbledepth=0.9, wobblemin=0.3, wobblemax=3.8, strikeamp=1, strikedec=0.05, strikerel=0.09, strikedepth=0.058, strikeharm=4, humamp=0.7 |
spacesaw | filterlow=100, filterhigh=2000, rq=0.3, sidepreamp=2, midpreamp=1, lfofreq=0.1, lfodepth=0.015, balance=0.5 (0 to 1), monoswitch=0 (0 or 1) |
sputter | pw = 0.5, noisedepth = 0.05, pwmrate = 12, pwmdepth = 0.15, rstartf = 2000, rlf = 500, rrf = 5000, ratk = 0.5, method = 0 (0 to 4), gateSwitch = 1 (0 to 1), gateThresh = 0.5 (0 to 1), stereoWidth = 0.75 (0 to 1) |
squish | xlatk=0.1, xlsus=0.01, xldur=1, xlmul=0.2, pulserate=4, pulsewidth=0.5 |
steeldrum | fharm=6, offnote=2.015 |
strings | freqlag = 0.9, rq = 0.012, combharm = 4, sawharm = 1.5 |
subbass | plpf=2400, plpr=1.0 |
subbass2 | plpf=2400, plpr=1.0 |
supersaw | noiserate=0.5 |
tb303 | wave=0, ctf=100, res=0.2, top=1000 |
tremsynth | modfreq=3 |
tribell | lforate = 8, lfowidth = 0.02, cutoff = 80, rq = 0.05 |
triwave | lforate=3, lfowidth=0.0, cutoff=400, rq=0.7 |
tubularbell | exciterRel=0.05 |
tworgan | qnt=1, fndmtl=1, nazard=1, bflute=1, trc=1, lrigot=1, sflute=1, vrate=3, vdepth=0.008, vdelay=0.1, vonset=0, vratevar=0.1, vdepthvar=0.1 |
tworgan2 | vibrate=6.0, vibharm=1.017, fharm=5.04, rq=1, blend=0.83 |
tworgan3 | vrate=6, vdepth=0.02, vdelay=0.1, vonset=0, vratevar=0.1, vdepthvar=0.1, fharm=5.04, rq=1, blend=0.83 |
tworgan4 | lforate=4.85, lfodepth=0.006, cutoff=5000, rq=0.5, parfreq=400, parrq=1, pardb=3, blend=0.6 |
varcell | cutoff=4800, noisemix=0.5, noiserate=12, xvib=2 |
varsaw | offnote=1.005 |
vibass | vibrate=9 |
vinsine | noiseamp=0.02, mainsdepth=0.35, mainshz = 50, vrate = 2, vdepth = 0.005, sineclip = 0.825 |
windmaker | cutoff=100, rq=0.1 |
wobble | modfreq=4, width=0.4 |
wobblebass | modfreqlo=1, modfreqhi=6, gate=1, wfmax=8500, reso=0.4, iphase=0.0, offnote1=0.98, offnote2=1.025 |
wsaw | iphase1=0.4, iphase2=0.5, iphase3=0.0, offnote1=1, offnote2=0.99, offnote3=1.005 |
wsawbass | slidetime = 0.08, cutoff = 1100, width = 0.15, detune = 1.002, preamp = 4 |
xylophone | t60=2 virus >> prate1=1, prate2=2, len=2 |
SynthDefs: Neue Funktionalitäten
print(Player.get_fxs()) >> Listet alle Filter und Effekte auf, die für jedes SynthDef-Instrument verfügbar sind.
('vib', 'vibdepth', 'slide', 'sus', 'slidedelay', 'slidefrom', 'glide', 'glidedelay', 'bend', 'benddelay', 'coarse', 'striate', 'buf', 'rate', 'pshift', 'hpf', 'hpr', 'lpf', 'lpr', 'spf', 'spr', 'spfslide', 'spfend', 'swell', 'bpf', 'bpr', 'bpnoise', 'mpf', 'mpr', 'bits', 'amp', 'crush', 'dist', 'tmp', 'chop', 'chopmix', 'chopwave', 'chopi', 'tremolo', 'beat_dur', 'echo', 'echotime', 'spin', 'cut', 'room', 'mix', 'formant', 'shape', 'drive', 'squiz', 'comp', 'comp_down', 'comp_up', 'triode', 'krush', 'kutoff', 'leg', 'tanh', 'fdist', 'fdistfreq', 'fdistc', 'fdistcfreq1', 'fdistcfreq2', 'fdistcfreq3', 'fdistcfreq4', 'fdistcm1', 'fdistcm2', 'fdistcm3', 'fdistcm4', 'fdistcq1', 'fdistcq2', 'fdistcq3', 'fdistcq4', 'chorus', 'chorusrate', 'sample_atk', 'sample_sus', 'position', 'ring', 'ringl', 'ringh', 'lofi', 'lofiwow', 'lofiamp', 'phaser', 'phaserdepth', 'room2', 'mix2', 'damp2', 'revatk', 'revsus')
print(Player(NAME_OF_SYNTH).get_extra_attributes) >> Listet alle zusätzlichen Attribute eines bestimmten SynthDef-Instruments auf.
\'modfreqlo\': \'1\', \'modfreqhi\': \'6\', \'gate\': \'1\', \'wfmax\': \'8500\', \'reso\': \'0.4\', \'iphase\': \'0.0\', \'offnote1\': \'0.98\', \'offnote2\': \'1.`
Sample Player: sdb >> Neues Attribut für einen Sample-Player SynthDef zum einfachen Umschalten zwischen ganzen Sample-Datenbanken.
b1 >> play(Z, dur=4, sample1, sdb=1, amplify=1/8)
Hint: You can set your default number for a sample database in menu option Open Config File
Midi: MidiIn+++ Zusätzliche Funktionalitäten zu MidiIn()
Rufe MidiIn() auf
midi = MidiIn()
Überprüfe alle verfügbaren Geräte
Aktiviere den Midi-Nachrichtendruck
midi.print_message(True) ``
Midi-Gerät auswählen
midi = MidiIn(PORT)
Midi-Note von der gespielten Taste erhalten
Hole dir den Druckwert der Tastaturtaste oder des Pads
Holen Sie sich Wert von Controller-ähnlichen Knöpfen
Midi: TempoTapper >> Implemented functionality for project TempoTapper
Suche nach dem TempoTapper-Gerät
midi = MidiIn() midi.device.get_ports()
Richte dasTempoTapper-Gerät ein
tempotap = MidiIn(PORT) tempotap.tempo_tapper(True)
Aktualisiere die Tempouhr mit TempoTapper
def updateBPM():
Clock.bpm = tempotap.tempo_tapper_bpm()
Clock.future(1, updateBPM)
updateBPM() -
Help: Sample Charts App >> Sample Chart App in Menu > Help&Support
Sample Charts: - Generates buttons for each sample in a chosen data base
- Spielt den Ton beim Drücken der Taste
- Zeigt ein einfaches Codebeispiel zum Kopieren/Einfügen in die FoxDot-IDE