CtrlReturn >> Jam&Learn
Join our meetup CtrlReturn >> Jam & Learn at c-base where art, technology, and innovation travels through time and space!
During our monthly "CtrlReturn >> Jam&Learn" at the legendary c-base, we dive into real-time music and audio-visual creation using code and explore different platforms/tools for performances.
CtrlReturn provides an exploration of creative synergies between sound, music, imagery and coding, transforming data patterns into immersive auditory and/or visual experiences. Our project is open for everyone - no matter if you are just curious about Live Coding or Algorave. No matter, if Newbie or Expert, engage in our workshops and collaborative live-coding, where you can leverage computational methods for sonification and visualization.
This project will help to furthermore develop Renardo/FoxDot and other tools for musical education and experiences. The advanced FoxDot/Renardo workshop will include gained knowledge and experience from this event. Collaborative Live-Composing is a new form of music making, that can help not only professional musicians and schools, but people with undiscovered musical talents.
We offer our CtrlReturn Distro free to download for people who want to try Live Coding Music before they install different software package in a still somewhat painstaking afford. You just need an extra usb stick or harddrive. Download link and installation guide from following post:
Check all details and dates at our projects webpage www.ctrlreturn.de
Note that our meetups and events are open and inclusive for everyone and expects attendees to follow the Berlin Code of Conduct.
Underlying project searching for funding
FoxDot was founded in 2015 to open a path to live coding for people new to programming with Python. FoxDot's simple syntax makes it quick and easy to create music with code. FoxDot requires no prior knowledge of Python or programming.
FoxDot is a user-friendly Python library that provides an interactive programming environment while the music is generated in the background using SuperCollider's powerful sound synthesis engine. SuperCollider is a programming language taught at universities for analyzing and synthesizing sound acoustics.
Since FoxDot itself makes it easy to start with music, it can be used especially to introduce music theory in the general school curriculum.
The current external software extension“Troop” makes it possible to make music together in the classroom and/or in distance learning.
In 2019, the development of this fantastic music platform was unfortunately discontinued.
New features developed by our group of musicians and programmers are currently not part of the basic FoxDot installation.
FoxDot Extension “Troop” does not exist as an Android application and therefore cannot be used with tablets.
Furthermore, it is not possible to connect USB MIDI devices such as keyboards, drum pads or knobs to use them as input in FoxDot.
Since FoxDot is limited to text, the integration of voice assistants (OpenAssistant) opens up the possibility of developing a version for people with limited vision or severe mobility impairments.
More comprehensive documentation on how to use and understand FoxDot makes it easier to start learning and teaching.
The implementation of the visual live coding language Hydra also makes it possible to create animations and graphics using simple mathematical equations and to play them independently or in conjunction with the music in the background.
Info: There is momentarily a development of a successor to FoxDot called Renardo. Members of our group created synths, fxs and functionalities on top of the original version of FoxDot. Now most of it found its home in this new Distribution.
To Do / To Be Funded
- A direct use of flok (Troop replacement) from Renardo
- Better midi functionality, including graphical response to value changes through midi devices
- Improving audio in and connectivity features to open-source software e.g. Ardour or Reaper
- Develop a android tablet version of flok client (Classmate clients using one sound computer, and tablets instead of laptops)
- Implementation of A.I. assistant to be able to compose music with words only
- Create extensive and interactive documentation, including related subjects as music theory